Doc Savage: Man of Bronze

Man of Bronze coverAs an inveterate reader my whole life, a key moment for me was discovering science fiction. Off to one side was comic books and, in particular, the Doc Savage books, by Kenneth Robeson. I devoured them like they were going out of style. So I had a complete geek-out moment when I learned that JJ. Campanella (science correspondent on the StarshipSofa podcast) had made a podcast audiobook  of the first novel, The Man of Bronze. Highly recommended. Terrific narration, too.

Dr North’s Wound and Other Stories – free until July

cover image for Dr North's Wound and Other Stories I’m offering my collection, Dr. North’s Wound and Other Stories, for free until 30 July 2012 (normally $2.99). Use the following  code on smashwords.

Coupon code: RZ47G

I’d be grateful, if you are so minded, if you could give it a star rating, or rating and comments, on smashwords, too.

The Kendrick novels – news

The first two Detective Inspector Tom Kendrick books, BONE MACHINES, and its follow up, KALI’S KISS, are going up in the world. Just signed two contracts this week for both books, but how and when they will go commercial is something I need to keep under wraps at this stage. Needless to say I am very excited about the whole thing.