Please help, if you can!

Starving dog - rowan
Rowan in peril

I hope to update my blog more regularly in the New Year, but some things are more important. A wonderful woman, called Jacquie New, heads up a dog rescue program here in Bulgaria. In this country there is nothing like the SPCA (notwithstanding the amazing work that Jacquie and her team do), and it’s all too common to see sights like this example – dogs being treated no better than trash. It’s just so heartbreaking. So, A Christmas story for you to consider. Jacquire has just rescued this beatiful dog, whom she has named Rowan. Rowan desperately needs help, so, please…consider dipping your hands into your pockets to help this wee doggie this Christmas. Even a few bucks would help a lot. Thank you…and I wish everyone a very good Christmas.

Now That’s What I Call Ringtones, Vol. 1

My good friend, songwriter and author, Jonathan Taylor has created a brilliant Christmas  gift idea. He’s doing customised, musical ringtones for mobile phones/cellphones.  All he needs is the full name of recipient, first name of caller, if at all and a few words about hobbies and tone, (funny, swearing, naughty etc.) Cool, completely original, and a bargain – barely the cost of a stocking filler! Here’s the youtube promo for a sample and details of how to snag customised ones for your friends, families  – or enemies, come to that!