Kali’s Kiss out now: free with trial Audible subscription

cover art for Kali's Kiss

Well, the big day has finally arrived. The second novel in my Kendrick Chronicles series, Kali’s Kiss, is out now as an audio exclusive. You won’t find it in print or e-book format yet, though. But the lovely people at Audible.com are offering the download version free with a trial subscription. Of course, you can also buy it as a cased CD set, or on MP3 disc. And if any of you do pick up a copy, reviews, comments and feedback would be appreciated. I try to respond to everyone personally.

The Mechanikals, Book 1 Out Now

Mechanikals books cover

The first volume in my YA trilogy, The Mechanikals, is out now. Hope you will consider buying a copy, and sharing this information with your friends and contacts.

Here’s the blurb:

The first book in a thrilling new YA trilogy, The Mechanikals, Book 1: The Apprentice, is filled with battles undersea, in the air and, more frighteningly, in the hearts and minds of a group of superheroes the like of which you’ve never seen before. It’s the eve of the first World War, in an alternative England where steam power rules land, sea and sky. But even as if the spectre of war looms the country has a more immediate battle to fight on its own shores. Vampire mermen, armies of the undead, burning policemen, invisible airships, undersea weapons and supernatural threats…and an orphaned factory apprentice, Edwin Bryce, thrown into a conflict on an unimaginable scale.

Only one force can stand against the terror and devastation facing their countrymen, a group of heroes called The Mechanikals. And when young Edwin acquires his special powers he is enlisted into their ranks, to face the terrifying enemy. A thrilling adventure and a coming-of-age tale, The Mechanikals, Book 1: The Apprentice is the first book in a steampunk superheroes trilogy. Each book is standalone, although some storylines continue to their thrilling conclusion in the final volume.

Storytelling in Song

I recently made the acquaintance of a terrific singer-songwriter, Jonathan Taylor. Like me, from the UK but now living in Bulgaria. The following song is one I had the privilege to hear live at a party in our home a few weeks back. It’s inspired by a true story of a man who left a message on his wife’s answer machine just before he died in the twin towers on 9/11. Very moving. Jonathan has a number of albums out, and song downloads. I do urge you to support him by purchasing some of his music. Jonathan will also be the subject of one of my occasional blog interviews with creative people Look out for it.