Here are podcasts featuring some of my stories, non fiction and interviews. I hope you will support the podcasts by subscribing to them  – you won’t be disappointed.

Short Stories

Dr. North’s Wound
It is generally supposed, by poets and philosophers, if not by men of science, that love resides within the heart. Until my apprenticeship to Dr. North, indeed, I too believed this to be so.

Crossing the Border
Harry thought about the note from Calder, and the locker key in the zip pocket of his aviator jacket. The railway station had to be two hundred miles from here and he couldn’t free his mind from the satchel of cash waiting for him there. Of course there was the risk of being caught. A big risk.

Rapunzel’s Room
In the washbasin sat a bolus of black hair glistening with saliva and bile. It was like a hairball her cat Peppermint would sick up. As she studied it, the bolus started to unravel. Sticky strands of hair began to stretch across the width of the washbasin, snaking across the ceramic with slowly, sinuous movements.

Podcasts on which I am interviewed about life, the universe, and everything. Well, almost everything…

Adventures in SciFi Publishing
Get Behind Me, Now Stay There

Starship Sofa

Podio Racket

Non Fiction

Conversations That Count
Heart-centred discussions on topics that matter in our changing world. Serious chat –with some laughs along the way. Hosted by Valery Coburn and John Dodds.
Get a Life!
The podcast that aims to help you live a happier, more fulfilling, more creative life. Written and hosted by John Dodds.

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