5128rnzjhal-_sx311_bo1204203200_Bone Machines

They suffer for his art… When a number of women are reported missing in Glasgow, the spectre of a previous spate of unsolved disappearances in the city rears its head. Journalist Ray Bissett is drawn into the case when his daughter joins the ranks of the missing. And ambitious police detective Tom Kendrick won’t let Ray forget a terrible incident from his past.

“As with many crime novels, the villain is one of the more fascinating characters and Dodds does not disappoint.  Morrell is cast as intelligent, sure of himself, and utterly convinced of his actions and perfecting his art.  Throughout the story, we are given snapshots of Morrell’s past including his admiration for his father’s power over him and a hint that something is not all together quite right…All of this combines to a fantastic page turner.” – Matt Hughes, Adventures in Scifi Publishing.

5127ib31mkl-_sx311_bo1204203200_Kali’s Kiss

When an unidentified young Indian bride is ritualistically murdered, Detective Inspector Tom Kendrick and forensic anthropologist Elizabeth Bell are mobilized to hunt down the perpetrators. But Kali keeps spinning her web. Elizabeth finds herself in mortal danger, and a criminal network involved in illegal immigration and drug production gradually emerges from the shadows. Meanwhile, small-time crook Suyaal Ackhbaar is being blackmailed by a vicious gang lord into delivering unsuspecting immigrants to work as slave labour in a drug factory.

51u8uyzomkl-_sx311_bo1204203200_ Babylon Slide

A sniper assassination in the centre of Glasgow, a ritualistic killing in the city’s subway system, and ancient Persian symbols stitched beneath the skin of the victims trigger a complex police investigation headed by Detective Inspector Tom Kendrick.  Meanwhile, Gulf War veteran Edward Franklin is handling courier and punisher chores for corrupt businessman Oscar Cranston. Franklin, a long-term sufferer of post traumatic stress disorder, isn’t just in it for the money—he’s desperately trying to outwit the Sumerian monsters that hunt him day and night. But his work for Cranston soon puts his girlfriend, Charlotte, in peril, and Franklin is forced to tread a dangerous line between criminality and doing the right thing—whatever the cost to his sanity and soul.  As if the strange murders are not enough, Kendrick and his team are also investigating the multiple rape of a teenage girl, in which the suspects prove nigh impossible to convict.

61x-t8ltjkl-_sx311_bo1204203200_The Mechanikals

It’s the eve of the first World War, in an alternative England where steam power rules land, sea and sky. But even as the spectre of war looms the country has a more immediate battle to fight on its own shores. Vampire mermen, armies of the undead, burning policemen, invisible airships, undersea weapons and supernatural threats…and an orphaned factory apprentice, Edwin Bryce, thrown into a conflict on an unimaginable scale. Only one force can stand against the terror and devastation facing their countrymen, a group of heroes called The Mechanikals. And when young Edwin acquires his special powers he is enlisted into their ranks, to face the terrifying enemy.


Bad Seeds
Hack 1: Enter Sandman

London, the near future. A brain hacker has found a way to make people’s nightmares real and plans to destroy the world they know. The only hope is a group of talented but dysfunctional agents operating in the interstices between the official channels of Church and State. Led by a former suicide, Alex Marshall, this group of “bad seeds” not only has to find a way to stop the monsters of the id that can bring about an end to all things, but figure how to handle their own self-destructive natures. Bad Seeds, Hack 1: Enter Sandman is the first book in a continuing novella series.


Dead Boyfriends

Daisy Wentworth’s life couldn’t be better. For one thing she works as a gallery attendant who regularly has to deal with abusive visitors. For another, her opinion of herself as a “fat-arsed frump” pretty well summarises the state of her self-esteem. And not only has her latest boyfriend just died but now his ghost, and another three of her deceased lovers’ ghosts, have taken up residence in her flat.  Things seem to be looking up when handsome businessman, Carl Simmons, falls for her. The only problem is that the jealous, vindictive, dead, exes are determined that “Mr. Businessman” won’t have their girl.



Danger and desire in ancient Japan. A runaway bandit disguised as a monk must defeat demons, his former bandit crew, and a devastating plague to win the heart of a woman.

“…a journey into 17th century Japanese culture and mythology. Attention to historical detail brings to life this very unique setting, which at times resembles a tale from ancient folklore, whilst imbuing our hero, Chen Shu, with qualities that evoke the empathy of a modern audience…Those familiar with John Dodds will be unsurprised by the polished quality of prose and highly descriptive language, a skill which makes his work stand out in this genre.” – Joanne Shemmans, Horror Express Magazine

cover for Dr North's Wound and Other Stories

Dr North’s Wound and Other Stories

Steampunk science fiction, supernatural and psychological horror, ghost stories, crime and magical realism. Eleven tales that take their protagonists to the very edge of the world they know – and then over it. “One of the most promising new writers I have read for some time. I highly recommend his work.” – Michael Moorcock.

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