Kendrick Chronicles, Book 2

I mentioned I would be doing a staged release of The Kendrick Chronicles for Kindle. Well, Book 2: Kali’s Kiss, is out now. I hope you will consider picking up a copy or telling your friends and social networks about it. Expect Book 3 soon. I also plan to release the three books as a collection at some stage, too.



Kali’s Kiss out now: free with trial Audible subscription

cover art for Kali's Kiss

Well, the big day has finally arrived. The second novel in my Kendrick Chronicles series, Kali’s Kiss, is out now as an audio exclusive. You won’t find it in print or e-book format yet, though. But the lovely people at are offering the download version free with a trial subscription. Of course, you can also buy it as a cased CD set, or on MP3 disc. And if any of you do pick up a copy, reviews, comments and feedback would be appreciated. I try to respond to everyone personally.

Kali’s Kiss the audiobook announced for September

KaliThe second book in my Kendrick Chronicles series will be out in audio in September 2012. Blackstone Audio has just released details of Kali’s Kiss. The cover art has not been made yet, so what you see is just a holding image meanwhile. I can’t wait to see what the graphic artists at Blackstone do for the packaging of Bone Machines and Kali’s Kiss.